Comparing Sets, Numbers, and Observations Worksheets

Comparing Sets, Numbers, and Observations Worksheets
Students look for differences and key attributes of items and objects.

Which One Has More? - CIRCLE the group of fruit that has more than the other.

Bubble Pop - LOOK at the numbers in the bubbles. CROSS OUT the numbers that are less than.

Card Tricks - CIRCLE the card that has one more than the first card.

Which One Has Less? - LOOK at each number. CIRCLE the plate that has one less than the number.

Match Up - DRAW a line between each object and the box it best fits inside.

2 More - Circle the group in the box on the right that has 2 more object than the group in the box on the left.

Xs are Greater - Read the numbers. Draw that many Xs. Circle the number that is greater.

Xs are Less - Read the numbers. Draw that many Xs. Circle the number that is less.