Eating a Balanced Diet - Why do we need to eat a whole bunch of different things? You mean we can't live off of macaroni and cheese?
Healthy Habits That Promote Wellness - A go over the four core principals to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
How Weather is Observed and Measured - Measuring weather is very important for detecting future global problems.
How Animals Respond & Change to their Environments - The core reason as to why the human race should be around for a very long time.
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle - Why do we have two or even three cans to throw away our trash?
What are Diseases? - Scientists look at them like natural population control mechanisms. I'm not a big fan of their opinion on this one!
What are Germs? - What is the difference between bacteria and viruses?
What Determines if Something Sinks or Floats? - We introduce the concept of density.
What is Magnetism? - I always wondered why magnets just work like they do.
What Living Things Need to Survive - We look at the nutritional and basic needs that all animals and plants share.
Grade 3 Science Vocabulary Quiz - A basic quiz that should give you a baseline for this grade level.