Clause Worksheets

Clause Worksheets
Clauses are difficult for most students. An independent clause is a complete worked out thought. Subordinate clauses simply don't express a complete thought and can't stand by themselves as a sentence.

Independent Clause 1 - Find it and underline it.

Independent Clause 2 - Continue to find that complete thought.

Independent Clause 3 - Where are the stand alone sentences?

Subordinate Clauses 1 - Find the dependent clause.

Subordinate Clauses 2 - Find the sentence fragments.

Independent and Subordinate Clauses 1 - We underline a part of the sentence you label it.

Independent and Subordinate Clauses 2 - Same as the previous, just new sentences for you.

Independent and Subordinate Clauses 3 - You will need to do double underlines here.

Independent and Subordinate Clauses 4 - We give you a subordinate clauses add to it to make a complete thought.

Independent and Subordinate Clauses 5 - More double underlines for you.