1. Interpreting Algebraic Expressions 5.OA.A.1
2. Writing Equations for Two Step Problems 5.OA.A.1
3. Parenthesis and Brackets 5.OA.A.2
4. Parenthesis, Brackets, and Braces 5.OA.A.2
5. Generate and Compare Numerical Patterns 5.OA.B.3
1. Algebraic Expressions 5.NBT.A.1
2. Multi Digit Place Value 5.NBT.A.1
3. Analyzing Patterns and Relationships 5.NBT.A.2
4. Multiply and Divide by the Power of 10 5.NBT.A.2
5. Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, and 1000 5.NBT.A.2
6. Comparing Decimal Numbers 5.NBT.A.3
7. Comparing Decimals Practice 5.NBT.A.3b
8. Rounding Decimals 5.NBT.A.4
9. Rounding off Decimal Numbers 5.NBT.A.4
10. Algebraic Operations of Decimal Numbers 5.NBT.A.5
11. Multiplying Multi-Digit Numbers 5.NBT.B.5
12. Multiplying Multi-Digit Numbers (Word Problems) 5.NBT.B.5
1. Basics of Coordinate Graphing Systems 5.G.A.1
2. Comparing Areas of Polygons 5.G.A.3
3. Attributes of Two Dimensional Figures 5.G.B.3
5. Determining the Area of a Trapezoid 5.G.B.4
1. Converting Measurement Systems 5.MD.A.1
3. Analyzing Line Plots 5.MD.B.2
4. Creating Line Plots 5.MD.B.2
5. Identify and Locate Numbers on a Number Line 5.MD.B.2
6. Data Representation & Interpreting 5.MD.B.2
7. Ordering Integers, Fractions, and Decimals 5.MD.B.2
8. Understanding the Concept of Volume 5.MD.C.3
9. Measuring Volume by Counting Cubes 5.MD.C.4
10. Measuring Volume with Unit Cubes 5.MD.C.4
11. Represent Numbers Using Models and Symbols 5.MD.C.4
12. Recognizing Volume 5.MD.C.5
13. Solving for Volume: Addition or Multiplication 5.MD.C.5
14. Volume of Adjoining Rectangular Prisms 5.MD.C.5
1. Understanding Addition of Fractions 5.NF.A.1
2. Understanding Subtraction of Fractions 5.NF.A.1
3. Understanding Multiplication of Fractions 5.NF.A.1
4. Adding and Subtracting Fractions 5.NF.A.1
6. Whole Numbers as Fractions 5.NF.B.3
7. Dividing Fractions/Whole Numbers 5.NF.B.7a
8. Dividing Whole Numbers 5.NF.B.7a