Put It Away - DRAW a line to put each thing in the beach wear trunk or the sports accessories trunk.
Stack Up - LOOK at the pictures. DRAW a line from each thing to the place where it belongs.
Put It Away - DRAW a line to recycle each object in the plastic or paper bin.
Bathroom - Draw a line under the objects that belong to the bathroom.
Beach Me - Draw a X on the objects you would not find at the beach.
Belongs With - Circle the picture that belongs with the first one.
Circle First One - Circle the picture that belongs with the first one.
Dicemania - CIRCLE the dice that does not belong in each group.
Load the Truck - DRAW a line to connect each truck with the right loading dock.
Making Connections - Draw lines to connect the objects that belong together.
Music Instruments - Find all the music instruments. Draw a triangle around them.
Not Fitting - Circle the object that does not fit below.
Not Fitting 2 - Circle the object that does not fit below.
Summer - It's hot out!
The Arts! - Rita loves art.
Together Again - Draw lines to connect the objects that belong together.
What Belongs - Circle what belongs in the scene.
Where it Belongs - Draw a line from each picture to where it belongs.
Winter - It's cold out!