Writing Prompt Worksheets

Writing Prompt Worksheets
We give you an idea and you run with it. The passages are fun for students.

Making PB & J - Tell someone step-by-step how to create a Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwich.

Bad Gift -Did you ever get a really bad gift?

The Spelling Bee Cheat Writing Prompt - Someone is cheating at your Spelling Bee. What do you do?

My Best Day Ever! -Tell us all about the best day you ever had!

The Two Sided Writing Prompt - Look at something from two points of view.

What Makes Me Safe - Is there anything that makes you feel super safe?

The Influence of Video Games - What influence does Playstation and Xbox have on you?

My Favorite Famous Person - Who is your favorite and why?

My Family - Tell us all about your family.

Types of Love - There are different types of love, tell us your interpretation.

Picked Last - How does it feel to be the least wanted player on a team.

In Someone Else's Shoes - What would it be like if you could switch places with some one?

The $100 Bill - You find a $100 bill. Now what?

Principal for a Week - What if you could do it for a week?

I'm Not a Fan of My Team - Would you give your all?

Charlotte's Web Communication - If you read the book, this one makes a lot of sense.

School Uniforms - Are they good or bad?

Announce What You Would Like To Do - What do you want to do?

Good and Bad of Kids and Cell Phones - Are they good or bad for schools?

My Allowance - Tell us all about it.