Tracing Skills Handwriting Worksheets

Tracing Skills Handwriting Worksheets
This set of printables has students work on pre-handwriting skills by having them trace lines and curves. This is a great post coloring activity.

This set of printables has students work on pre-handwriting skills by having them trace lines and curves. This is a great post coloring activity.

Beetlemania - TRACE the longer line in each pair of bug trails.

Paths - Draw a line through the path from the cycle to the house.

Dog Kennel Path - Draw a line through the path from the dog to the kennel.

Book Path - Draw a line through each path from the man to the book.

Bird Food Path - Draw a line through each path from the bird to the food.

Doggie Path - Trace each line from the dog to the ball.

Get Your Toy - Trace each line from the child to the toy.

Get Your Ice Cream - Trace each line from the child to the icecream.

Punch the Basketball - Trace each line from the ball to the glove.

Heart Waves - Trace each heart.

Fishy - Trace each fish.

Tree Trace - Trace each tree.

Doggie Path 2 - Trace each line from the dog to the ball.

Pencil Curve - Trace each line from the book to the pencil.

Hat Here - Follow each path from the cap to the man.

Get Your Shoes - Follow each path from the foot to the shoe.

Top to Bottom - Trace each line from top to bottom.

Top to Bottom 2 - Trace each line from top to bottom.

Get To School - Follow the path from the boy to the school.

To The Barn - Follow the path from the horse to the barn.